Evangelist Brock Campbell
About Page
Hello, my name is Brock Campbell. I’m the full-time staff evangelist for Lighthouse Baptist
Church in Santa Maria, California.
“There’s not a man, woman, or child on the face of the earth who doesn’t enjoy a tasty beverage.”
David Letterman
I heard David Letterman say that more than twenty years ago, and it stuck. I love me a tasty beverage! That is not proper English, but it conveys my love for a piping-hot or icy-cold drink. I’m
not fond of endless caveats, so you’re not getting one.
It’s marvelous being a grandpa. Yeah, I’m 49 and a grandpa! My gorgeous oldest daughter,
Carrlee, has two children, Jane and Marshal. Carrlee is an outstanding cook and makes the finest
homemade Chinese food. I want more fried wontons and kung pao chicken! She’s the fry queen!
Carrlee’s married to Jacob. He’s okay (I love him, don’t tell him that!). He gave me two grandbabies, and we are both devoted knife collectors. He’s also putting Abeka’s grammar to good use,
being my editor. I have a married son, Nathan. His beautiful wife, Maren, is my favorite. Shhh!
Don’t tell the others. We love quietly discussing the books we’ve read and movies we’ve seen
(emphasizing quietly). She plays the violin but refuses to play it like a fiddle for me, even though
she is from Arkansas. There’s little quiet around my place because Nathan and Maria also have
two children, Colin and Cordelia (Cordy). Nathan is our assistant pastor. He takes excellent and
creative photographs (check out his Etsy page). He also helps me with all my graphics.
If you’re not counting, that’s four grandbabies. Kids, if you’re reading this, I want more!
My stunning youngest daughter, Kelsey, loves old lady hobbies like knitting, quilting, and sipping
tea while reading “The Amish Bride of Pennsylvania.” She’s newly married to Johnathan Frausto.
I have to be nice to Jonathan because if my heart stops, he can get it running again, and he will
be the President of the United States someday. You’ve got my vote! Hopefully, by the time this is
posted, a new grandbaby will be coming. Get to work, kids!
hat’s my first family, and now on to what I call “my second family.” I have a 12-year-old
boy. Surprise! Kelsey, my youngest daughter, was 10 when he was born. Micah is a unique indi
vidual, always wanting to be different. He likes his quiet time, is very systematic, and expects
perfection from himself and others (especially his brother). Micah reminds me of myself when I
was his age. My wife said, “Micah needs a friend, or he’ll be weird.” We had Sam, who is 8 years
old. Sam is a Campbell through and through. He loves beans and potatoes, cookies, and brownies. Oh, also, he never ever sits still. I’m so tired right now just thinking about the endless movement! Sam’s favorite ice cream is strawberry; Micah’s is black cherry. They are both slightly odd
because they are being raised by grandparents.
Brock, you forgot your wife. No, I saved the best for last. My beautiful wife and I are having our 29th anniversary next year. Time flies when you are having fun or have so many kids
doing so many different activities that you never stop. It’s both! Emily is the only person I will
never tire of spending time with. I can’t get enough time even after almost 30 years. Everyone
else, kids, family, and friends, after a while, you need a break. Emily is the exception to this rule.
She was away for ten days when Jane, my granddaughter, was born, and I almost died. She’s the
hardest-working lady I know. I love her so much, and the scenery is sensational.
Emily and I have served our Lord Jesus at the Lighthouse Baptist Church in Santa Maria, CA, for 30 years. There are numerous good Baptist churches, but ours is the best. There are
many excellent pastors, but Pastor Scheidbach is the best. My pastor is a wealth of knowledge. If
you know Him, you know that is an understatement. God has spoken to me through him innumerable times. He has been a great blessing, and I am so thankful to God for him. We love our
Church. Rah! Rah! Our team! We are born again Baptist. Rah! Rah! Baptist! We are patriots.
Rah! Rah! America!
Fifteen years ago, my now friend Russ Miller, a creation evangelist, came to our Church,
presenting evidence for a six-day biblical creation. Since I love science and the Bible, his ministry
fascinated me. I thought, “I would love to do a full-time ministry like Russ.” That was when God
planted the seed of full-time ministry in my heart. During the Covid years, the Edwards visited
our Church because their Church had closed. Mike Edwards and his wife Alacia had an abortion abolition ministry. Mike started training our Church on how to begin our ministry to the
Planned Parenthood in our city. Sadly, Mike suddenly passed away and is now in heaven with
Jesus. After some prayer, God laid it on my heart to continue his ministry of abortion abolition.
With some further help from Pastor Graves of Liberty Baptist and Evangelist Paul Abbott, we began what is now called Abolish Abortion Central Coast. We’ve been going to our local Planned
Parenthood for over two years, which has been a lot of hard work and a great blessing.
Not long ago, I started visiting our state capitol with my brother Brandon, the Faith Baptist
Church pastor in Wheatland. We would go talk directly to our representatives in their offices.
I was nervous, and I sweated a lot- gross! So much sweat. Who’s the sweaty guy talking about
truth and God’s word? But man, I loved every minute! I felt like this was where God wanted me
to be.
For over a year, my wife and I have prayed and fasted about going into full-time ministry for our
Church. God is telling us it’s time, so we’re stepping out in faith and working toward full-time
ministry. As the staff evangelist for Lighthouse Baptist Church, I will direct the Abolish Abortion
Central Coast Ministry and the Reclaiming California Capital Ministry.
I’m thankful for my dad, who taught me hard work and faithfulness. My mom has preached
more messages directed at me than my pastor, which annoyed me sometimes. She’ll never leave
you alone if something is wrong, but I’m thankful for her persistence (looking forward to many
more). I’m incredibly excited about what God is doing with my family. I’m so grateful to Him for
His mercy and patience as I’ve grown in Him through the years.
I adore tasty beverages, my family, my America, my Church, and my God. There is always
something crazy going on, especially with the young ones. My wife maintains it helps us stay
young. I say, “It’s what makes me feel old.” Thanks for reading to the end. I value your prayers.
Now I need a nap!
Kind Regards
Brock Campbell
Staff Evangelist for Lighthouse Baptist Church


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