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Intercessor Ministries
Intercessor Prayer Bible
KJV-red letter, prayers highlighted in yellow, genuine black leather.
Spiritual Warfare Set
Get all three powerful spiritual warfare training books and save 30.95: God’s War: Why Christians Should Rule the World, Prayer for Revival, by Dr. Benny Beckum, and Jerry’s signature title on fasting: Kingdom Power by Prayer and Fasting.
Kingdom Power by Prayer and Fasting
Written By Dr. Jerry Scheidbach, executive editor of The Intercessor, Kingdom Power By Prayer And Fasting offers 13 short (each approx. 1500 words), powerfully written, potent and content-packed chapters addressing the important issue of prayer and fasting. It includes thought-provoking and discussion stimulating questions at the end of each chapter. An excellent read for anyone interested in what the Bible says about fasting, what it does, how to do it, and why it is essential. A perfect Sunday School lesson series.
The book is 5×7, and 112 pages
This product qualifies for bulk discount pricing starting at 5 copies.
5 @ 5.00 each
10 @ 4.00 each
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Prayer for Revival
Evangelist Dr. Beckum, founder and President of Intercessor Ministries provides an excellent book on prayer, fasting, and revival. Many have said it has had an impact on their lives similar to when they read Tozer, or Bounds as young men. It is formatted as a text book on prayer, and Pastor Scheidbach places it among the top five books every believer should read.
Hard Back
Pages: 374
Author: Dr. Benny Beckum