QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Date: Please give us your name Please tell us how to contact you with the answers to your questions: Your Preferred Email Address: Your Secondary Email: Your Phone: —Please choose an option—CALLTEXTCALL OR TEXT Letter: (If you desire a written response to be sent by mail, please provide the mailing address here: By Appointment: —Please choose an option—UNNECESSARYYES, I WOULD LIKE AN APPOINTMENTYES, IF DESIRED If yes: With a PastorWith any member who has the answers Where? In my homeAt the church officeOther Location If in your home, or other location, please provide address or location here: Please let us know what topic or topics you are asking about. —Please choose an option—√ Salvation—I have questions about being "born again," and about how to be 100% certain that I have eternal life. —Please choose an option—√ Baptism—I am ready to be baptized, or I am interested in learning more about about baptism. —Please choose an option—√ Membership—I am interested in becoming a member, or in learning more about membership at the Lighthouse. —Please choose an option—√ Ministry—I am interested in learning more about ministry opportunities at the Lighthouse. Identify which areas interest you here: —Please choose an option—√ Doctrine—I am interested in learning what the church or pastor teaches about a topic. —Please choose an option—√ I have a question about a message I heard preached at Lighthouse. (Please include service and date in your question.) —Please choose an option—√ Donations—I am interested in investing financially in the ministry of the Lighthouse. Your Question: Please use the space below to ask any question you have for Dr. Scheidbach and/or the appropriate staff member. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Search for: SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Sunday Main Service 5:00 PM Sunday Evening Service 7:00 PM Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study RECENT POSTS1020 – LA BURNING: SEE THE GORILLA / TRUMP’S SENTENCING: WATCH THE “OTHER HAND” 1019 – DIVIDE & CONQUER / THE SURPRISING LINK BETWEEN ISLAM AND DEMOCRACIES IN THE WEST! 1018 – SANDCASTLES / THE SLAVE MENTALITY! / THE PLANNED INSURRECTION! 1017 – THE POLITICAL MERRY-GO-ROUND: CONTINUING THE CONTINUING RESOLUTION—ROUND AND ROUND! 1016 – UFOs, EXTRATERRESTRIALS, AND THE BIBLE / THE EQUALITY ACT & BIDEN RELEASES PEDOS CATEGORIES History LMPB Newletter THE BRAIN MASSAGE® SHOW Uncategorized HELPFUL LINKSIntercessor Ministries West Coast Baptist College Heartland Baptist Bible College Lancaster Baptist Church LOGIN Log in Entries feed Comments feed